
Guide: Unboxing And Assembling Your New Sex Doll

The day has finally arrived! A couple of weeks ago you did your research, you found the best sex doll store online (wink wink) and you found the doll of your dreams.  This is the girl you’ve seen in your fantasies, and she has finally arrived.  You’ve tracked her movement across the globe, from our manufacturing facility to the shipping facility, and now she is on your door step.

You can barely contain your excitement when you see the box on your porch.  You barely notice the delivery guy, and your hand slightly shakes as you sign for the package.  All your thoughts are on the box, and even more, what’s inside of it.  But wait hold your horses cowboy! There is still one more important step before you bed your new lover, you must take care to unbox and assemble her properly.

How to Properly Unbox and Assemble A Lifelike Sex Doll

Step 1: Carefully transport the package to a room in your home with lots of floor space.

One thing that surprises many people when they first receive their sex doll is how heavy the package is.  Most full-size sex dolls weight between 50 and 70 pounds plus all the packaging weight! Your fully packaged sex doll could possibly weigh up to 80 pounds when she arrives.  If you are disabled, elderly, or live in a 5th floor walk-up apartment, you should be prepared for how your going to move this package.  A close friend may be a good helper, or you can tip the delivery guy to help you.

A room with a good amount of floor space is a good place to unpack your sex doll as you’ll need to lay her flat on the group beside the box.

Step 2: Open the package along the seams with a boxcutter, knife, etc.

Once the package is placed on the floor in your room of choice, cut the tape along the top edges of the box to open her up.  Be careful not to go too deep with the knife as you don’t want to risk cutting your new favorite sex partner.  Once you’ve cut the packing tape along the seams the box will open up much like a coffin.

Step 3: Wash your hands!

Now that your new sex doll is ready to be taken out of her box you don’t want to smudge or mark her pristine skin with your dirty hands! Wash your mitts thoroughly before touching the sex doll.

Step 4: Unpack the head of your new sex doll

Resting on the upper thighs of your sex doll will be a soccer ball sized sphere of packing foam, this is the head of your new sex doll.  Carefully remove to foam wrapping and take the head of it’s bag. Please the sex doll head on top the bag on the floor next to the box.  You’ll return to it later once you’ve got the body out.

Tip: You can save the bag to store the head when not in use.

Step 5: Remove any other accessories in the box

Often times accessories will be included in the package like clothing, a closet storage system, and cleaning tools.  Remove all of these things from the box and set them aside.  After this step all that should be left in the box is the body of the doll and the blanket that she rests on.

Step 6: Remove the foam from the body of the doll with a pair of scissors

Step 7: Lift the doll out of the box with the blanket

Wrap your arms around the doll and blanket and lift her out of the box placing her gently on the floor beside it.

Step 8: Attach the head to your new sex doll and put on the wig


Sex Doll brings excitement to your monotonous life

Summary: Demand for sex doll is increasing at a fast pace these days. Here are few reasons that make people love these life-like beauties.
Let’s become familiar to the fact that adult dolls are not only meant to have sex rather various other reasons also make people to opt for such adult based accessories. Some men actually don’t know how to make the most out of it. They can be your life companion and let you enjoy intercourse, having dinner or taking lunch or overcoming the feeling of loneliness. However, if you want to get the best quality, simply opt for silicone dolls.
The best part is that sex dolls don’t demand for unnecessary maintenance or any special gift items to stay happy. However, if you want to have sex without begging from your female partner for approval, it’s better to invest in a doll which adds excitement to your monotonous life.
What makes people fall for these real-like dolls?
  • People who have recently gone through a stressful period of break-up or undergoing any type of mental stress after a loss of partner; these dolls will definitely act as an entertaining companion. It will help you get away with unwanted stress and lead a normal life.
  • Women can also gift a doll to their male partner so as to let him fulfill his horny desires. At times, these dolls work as a sexual surrogate when they have low sex drive. Men also choose these life-like beauties to explore and improve their sexual life.
  • When you have these life-like dolls with you, men would not think of cheating on their life partner. They are available for different sexual positions and men can enjoy sex with them as many times as they want to.
  • After undergoing a hectic schedule for the whole day, you would definitely need to get relaxed at night. Presence of sex dolls would let you live in an environment filled with unlimited fun and pleasure.
  • Remember, Vanilla masturbation routines will not let you feel the real sex experience but dolls do. It’s quite amazing to know that these dolls will keep you away from the boring masturbating techniques.
Ideal choice for many men
Esdoll offers a wide range of sex dolls that will allow men to fulfill their wild fantasies without actually pleasing them. No matter, you last for the short time or long time – they will not have any issues about your sexual dysfunction problem. So, book your kind of doll today!!!
153cm sex doll
sunny-sex doll

The Advantages of Mini Sex Dolls and Sex Doll Torsos

The Advantages of Mini Sex Dolls and Sex Doll Torsos

Sex Dolls Magic

Fashioned in varying body types and facial features, sex dolls are tailored to get you that cozy partner you’ve not had for long. Have you ever run into a lady in the street with a body that you would like to come home to every day? I mean, a dazzling soft look, orange-shaped boobs (just the perfect size for your palm), and a good booty to spank off your problems every other day. But you can’t approach her, can you?  She’s too fine. Probably won’t be interested in you anyway. Well, worry no more. Our Sex dolls come in features that resemble the modern day woman. Whether you want her skinny, flat-chested, curvaceous, large boobs, enormous soft ass, tall or petite, we got you covered. Time to own that curvaceous gem you saw on the street and make her your everyday sweetheart. Right?

Other than giving you the sexual pleasure, the primary goal of course! With sex dolls comes a submissive partner that is always ready to help you tone off your everyday frustrations and offer you a good time (every man dreams of that). You probably didn’t know that sex dolls are therapeutic. Did you? Well, these pleasure gods are an ideal prescription for people suffering from social anxiety; people that aren’t as comfortable interacting with others, especially with the opposite sex. The doll gets you in line on how to treat your partner building up on your esteem and courage.

Mini Sex Dolls

Just like your favorite liquor, sex dolls also come in miniature sizes too; the mini sex doll or the sex doll torso. Just like you like it. These are love dolls below a hundred cm height and weighing between 5-20 kg. In fact, height and weight remain the sole differential character between the mini dolls and the fill size dolls. The size of the vagina can be altered by opening and closing the legs. Amazing. Right? There are various Mini Sex dolls sizes with different features to ensure that everyone needs are met.


What will the first sex robots be like?

It has long been imagined, the day when mankind will be able to interact and have intimate relations with robots.  What was once just a figment of the human mind is now a credible reality.  Many companies have released prototypes of sex robot technology and sex minded artificial intelligence, and let me tell you, we are on the path to a fully realized sex robot.  Being so close to the commencement of the Sex Doll Era, what will the first sex robots be like?

Description of the first sex robots to be released

The first sex robots will not be fully automatized dolls, but they will have robotic components.  For example, the California-based company Abyss Creations (more commonly known as RealDoll) is creating an initial release of a sex robot that will have electronic sensors embedded in its skin.  The sensors will allow the sex robot to respond to touch, to move, vibrate, warm up, and even respond vocally to touch.  This means we can expect some simple voice interaction and genitals that warm up on their own.  The first model of the Abyss Creations Sex Robot is expected to be released in late 2017 with a price tag of $15,000.

Abyss Creations is also developing a software named Harmony AI and an accompanying hardware component, a robotic sex doll head.  This technology will most likely require that the user wear some sort of virtual-reality head device.  Harmony AI will allow doll owners to choose personalities for their dolls, they will then be able to converse with their dolls on a wide range of topics, not just sexual topics.  The Harmony AI and Robotic Sex Doll Head combination is expected to be released in 2018 with a price tag of over $10,000.


Tips to consider for buying good quality sex doll

Summary: Adult fun seekers would definitely want to enjoy having fun with sex doll. Below discussed are some useful tips to buy quality dolls.
Let’s face the fact that not all men know how to purchase adult doll with quality material and advanced features. With so many worthy options available in the market, you can easily find out the one which suits your needs and budget fully.
There are some useful tips to follow for buying love sex doll such as:
  1. Reputed Sex Doll Maker
However, if you are looking forward to buy desired love doll, it’s important to have a look over the reputation of doll manufacturer. To be very honest, the most reputed buyer you consider for purchase, there are more chances to get the high quality products. Moreover, you can also consider reviews of previous customers and check out rapport of concerned manufacturer in the market. And Esdoll is definitely one such name to consider.
  1.  Consider Sex Doll Smell
Obviously, different people have different reasons when it comes to purchase sex dolls. Among all, one of the most important aspects to consider is to have a look over the smell of your chosen doll. You can go through the specifications of the doll and know what kind of materials she is made of and get an idea about its smell.
  1. Check out price before purchase
Remember, you should never finalize the product on your first meeting. Rather you need to compare the prices of your chosen product over different websites online and spot out the right product. Choosing the right product will definitely give you best ROI on every purchase. Always consider reputed websites to get the quality products at the best prices.  Never settle for the cheap products as some of the makers claim to offer love sex doll at very reasonable prices, but they compromise with the quality part.
  1. Keep a check over Sex Doll Material
Buyers should keep a check on the materials used in the making of your chosen realistic love dolls.  It will help you enjoy memorable nights of fun and pleasure. Among all, the widely popular material is silicone which makes doll look like a real girl. To be very honest, it’s the best material you may ask for.
Conclusion: I bet if you follow the above mentioned points, you can get the best quality love dolls at reasonable prices.
140cm Marcelle sex doll

Why do men buy sex dolls?

Why do men like sex dolls? Why do they spend thousands of dollars on lifelike silicone dolls instead of pursuing real women?

Below are quotes from real sex doll owners on why they bought a sex doll. Source:

Top 3 Reasons:

For a better sex life.
For companionship, and to fight loneliness.
To satisfy a specific doll fetish.
Quotes from Doll Owners:

“For me, I’m just tired of being alone. Already been there my whole life, don’t want to live out the rest of my life that way too. I figure a fake girl is better than no girl at all. Aside from that, any girl I could realistically be with wouldn’t look nearly as good as some of the dolls folks are selling out there.”

“I just got tired of being alone. Most of the women I went out with got pissed when race season got here and I went to work on race cars on most weekends. And I don’t want all the head games that real women bring with them.”

“It seems that the entire dating/marriage concept has become sort of a death-trap for males. No matter how you try to play it, she will always hold all of the cards and will most likely use them at some point.

Dolls are a good sensible alternative. They meet my needs well enough for the arrangement to be sustainable.”

“I was married for 25 years, most of the last ten years were unhappy, now that I’m single again the last thing I want is a (real) relationship. Dolls don’t complain, there always there, never have a headache. dolls win.”

“I started with a latex balloon fetish in my youth. It expanded into inflatable dolls then silicone dolls.
The dolls are not a substitute for a relationship, they are just for a kind of fantasy.”

“Never had a girlfriend, tried online dating for years with zero success. I had reached a point in my life, where I thought the same as you. Having a doll is better than having no female presence in my life at all.”

“My social life is almost nonexistent… Working at night and sleeping until the crack of noon with enough time to eat, get a small work out in and shower after, then head to work… No time to look for a relationship, tried online dating to no avail, and some major trust issues(from very bad experiences) have lead me to wanting a doll”

“To capture the beauty of female expression in photographs. I have always admired what some have done with their photography of them.”

“Playing w/ my GI Joe, Stretch Armstrong and so on were fun as a kid, but THE REAL FUN started when my cousin asked me to play w/ her & barbies ( I had Ken ) …. Ken got naughty w/ the Barbies when she was away!”

“With dolls, I can be myself. I don’t have to put up a façade to trick them into wanting to be with me (which I was never particularly good at anyway). They’re always there for me, they don’t judge me, don’t pressure me to change into what they expect me to be. Granted, they’re no substitute for real human interaction, but I have my friends and family for that.”

“I have always wanted some type of sex doll ever since I was a kid. I use to buy Barbie dolls and then make them anatomically correct. I have a collection now. Went through a phase of inflatables but always desired something more real.”

“I just got tired of walking into an empty house after a stressful day at work. All I have to do is see my doll smiling in the corner and know everything is going to be ok. I know my house is still empty but at least with my dolls here it does not feel empty.”

“I’m married, but get way less sex than I’d like. Doll sex not only makes up the difference, it satisfies many itches that married sex won’t: Sex acts the wife doesn’t do with me and some I’d be afraid or embarrassed to even ask for.”

“My fascination with beautiful realistic mannequins, women’s fashion, futuristic movies about androids, and the fleshlight led me to this.”

“Not sure, I’m a good looking guy, and can pick up girls with no problem.
I think its all in the fantasy, I was always into anime and i guess it grew from their. most my dolls are Asian or have the anime look to them.”

“I wanted a companion. That I can hug into sleep. Or not feel lonely when I play computer games. I find her too cute. The elf model that I have bought.”

“I bought my first doll (an inflatable) to “practice” with since I had issues with lasting power in bed. When I got comfortable enough with that (it took about four years) I actually didn’t really meet anyone who I wanted to get involved in, and living on the west coast you never know what kinda disease somebody could be carrying around. Dolls have the advantage of being clean and available, so they become a natural progression step.”

“I basically just wanted a girlfriend that could deal with my disability and wasn’t fat. After years of trying and endless rejection, I decided to get a doll.”


sex doll honey

What are the different types of Sex Dolls?

In the media, sex dolls are generally depicted as blow-up dolls: plastic, unwieldy, and identical. But there are so many more options these days, and many dolls are customizable. We’ve put together a crash course for your edification and enjoyment; read on to discover the creative, colorful world of sex dolls!

Silicone Sex Dolls:

Softer and more realistic than their plastic counterparts, silicone sex dolls have a skin-like feel and offer a wide range of options for the look. Many companies offer posable dolls; these dolls have metal skeletons and removable facial features, so you can adjust her expression as well as her bodily arrangement. A lot of prep time is involved before a person can have sex with the doll; her skin must be powdered, and she should be warmed with an electric blanket and lubricated to avoid chafing.

TPE Sex Dolls: Similar to silicone in look and feel, TPE is softer and more pliable than silicone. It tends to take impressions of whatever it touches, including clothing. TPE dolls are generally posable, with metal skeletons like silicone dolls, which makes them a bit heavy; though many TPE dolls are smaller and lighter than their silicone counterparts. TPE has a very realistic feel once warmed; the softness which leaves it susceptible to imprinting also makes it mold slightly to its partner. One downside of these dolls for those who enjoy dressing up their dolls is that the TPE gets stained by dye very easily, so white clothing is the most practical.

Cloth and Stuffed Sex Dolls:

Unlike the Silicone and TPE dolls, stuffed sex dolls bring animation to life, rather than aspiring to realism. These dolls come in a wide range of styles, primarily anime-style girls. They have slits for vagina inserts, so you don’t have to worry about ruining the material. These dolls are perfect for anyone with a plush or anime fetish, or anyone who finds themselves a little uncomfortable with the uncanny valley aesthetic. At the moment, dolls sold in the United States do not have skeletons, and so they are not posable. However, that makes them lighter and easier to store (or hide) than their silicone/TPE counterparts.

Blow-Up Sex Dolls:

The classic inflatable girlfriend hasn’t changed much. They are still generally made from PVC, though many companies offer solid silicone head, hands, and feet. These dolls are useful for people who have extremely limited storage space, but are a little too pragmatic for those who are looking for the pseudo-companionship that comes from having a toy. Blow-up dolls are strictly masturbatory in nature; and while they are the most inexpensive option, they do not fulfill the same range of needs that the other dolls on this list do.

The world of sex dolls is constantly upgrading and expanding. Prototype sex doll robots complete with A.I. are right around the corner, and cuddly plush toys feed the human need for snuggles. The range is constantly widening as technology improves, and the available options will continue to grow.

140cm Marcelle sex doll

Sex Doll Discussion Forums and Communities

If you’re looking for other Sex Doll owners there are two hubs you need to check out. These two discussion communities are great for sharing your sex doll passion, getting advice, discussing sex doll shops, and talking about the future of silicone dolls.

shop luxury sex dolls

1. The Doll Forum –

Boasting almost 50,000 members this is the place you want to be if you’re an enthusiastic doll owner, or looking for information on where to buy your first doll. They have an extensive global library of doll manufacturers and re-sellers.

2. Our Doll Community –

This community is not quite as big as the doll forum, with just 5,000 members, however it is still a great place to learn and talk about dolls. This website is unique in that it has a marketplace to buy, sell, and trade dolls and accessories. Although we don’t recommend you buy used dolls, it is a great place to purchase new outfits for your dolls on the cheap!



Japanese Sex Dolls have arrived

Among other things such as Sushi and Anime, the Japanese are also well known for their creativity and acceptance when it comes to sexual fetishes (google Japanese tentacle porn).  When it comes to Sex Dolls, the Japanese are no different.  Sex Dolls have been in use in Japan since the 1800s, when sailors were provided fabric dolls for long voyages at sea.  Now they are manufactured with silicone and sold all over the country.

Japanese sex doll technology and materials have gotten so good that they are often being mistaken for the real thing.  That’s why we’re proud to announce that we’ve partnered with a Japanese doll manufacturer to provide some of the most realistic sex dolls available in the United States.



sex doll

Bring your wildest side out with life-like sex dolls

Summary: Life like sex dolls are being highly preferred by many men who want to have some pleasure and happiness to their boring sex life.
Every buyer comes up with different needs while seeking for the adult products to get their various sexual desires fulfilled. Well, dolls have emerged as the most in-demand and highly preferred items among all such products available with which men can have full excitement on bed. In Japan, there are adult fun seekers crazy for sex dolls available with many exciting features. Believe it or not, some people in the country want to keep silicon dolls as their real life partner.
Indeed, Japanese are die-hard fans of life-like sex dolls and always look forward to the finest variety of products from reputed online websites. And Esdoll is definitely one of them. To be very frank, some people in the country consider these realistic dolls as a preferred option rather than living with a cold-hearted woman. These adult based accessories are even considered more over a one night stand and living with a real woman in a long-term relationship. They serve as a perfect alternate for men to have immense sexual fun.
All these dolls are available with sexy look and fantastic figure. Not to forget, affordability of these realistic dolls has made Japanese men to fall for these products even more. Some of the reasons which make people opt for these real-like dolls such as:
As you might have heard before that having sex with your partner will help you get relieved from the unwanted stress and depression. Having life-like sex dolls will help you keep away the feeling of depression, stress and loneliness. They act as a perfect option to satisfy sexual needs and stay lively, motivated and happy. Especially they serve as a great stress-buster for widower.
Varied range
Just like many other men, you can easily get bored with your woman. To get over with it, there is no need to check out with different girls while cheating on your real ones as it may destroy your relationship. Good news is that the dolls are being offered in wide range of variety to choose from. So, don’t let the quest for pleasure ruin your relationship.
In a nutshell, Japanese men always remain more than excited to bring realistic sex dolls to their home. Buy your doll today from Esdoll and enjoy the fun.