
True story of sex doll healing a broken heart

Heartbreak is agonizing especially for a teenager losing his first crush to his best friend. It was true love at first sight. I was devastated and neither support from my family nor outings with my friends masked my depression. Her sweet, calm voice swelled in my mind and interior that sometimes I even choked on my tears. The memories of that unforgettable night I lost my virginity to her, haunted my sleep. I yearned for her, I dream of her and I kept getting erections. My sexual stress had grown to such level that even masturbating umpteen times did not work for me. It was a ritual, as darkness cloaked my room, I switched to cam sites for virtual orgasm. After a few days, this exercise was futile and scary because it resulted in other psychological problems. Then, my counselor advised trying a sex doll to treat my broken heart.

I took the offer of free customization to design my synthetic partner in order to resemble my first love. From similar skin tone to body stats, I had it all. I was anxiously waiting for her when finally I got a call from the shipping company that my pack was arriving. I was super excited to check her and when the order was opened, behold, the fucking beauty was before me. She looked exactly like my gf. I named the custom sex doll after her, Nancy.

Mesmerized by her looks and persona, I just wanted to get the best of her, but she seemed moist. Perhaps she was sweating due to heat and exhaustion from the long journey. I carefully took her to the bath and soaked her in cold water. I was overwhelmed by the presence of Nancy’s luscious, naked body. She was sprawled out in the bathtub. It was difficult controlling my erection, I gasped, “You’re so beautiful, Nancy”. There were her voluminous breasts urging me to fondle them. I sighed as I caressed her, I felt her warmth, I explored her with my hands and then with my mouth. She was so damn realistic that I forgot she was made of TPE. I looked into her brown eyes till our mouths met. It was maddening as I rode my tongue from her neck to the soft mound of public hair and down to the opened petals of her clit. I was throbbing with the intense ecstasy that was building in my body. I was squealing with delight when I rammed myself to the hilt in her cunt and finally slowed myself to rhythmic surges till there was a spurt of my hot cum on her. I jizzed inside her and was filled with such deep and immense pleasure after a long, long time.

I patted her dry and applied some talcum powder after placing her on my bed. Her serene look and her seductive figure turned me on again as I rubbed her engagingly. I kept making out with her, missionary style, doggy style, wheelbarrow, every style possible. I felt really connected to her and then after a long time, I had a good sleep.

Nancy healed my broken heart and helped me pick myself back up. She boosted my manliness and confidence to face the world. It is true that rejection fills you with bitterness, however, love brings hope and fulfillment.
